Now, here’s where I am mentally when it comes to it. I have mentioned my full story in my last two entries. In this, I am trying to give the most clear answers, facts-based that I can give.
Q. We made out in mid-Aug in a hotel room, but nothing after that, why?
A. I was expecting that since we have set the ball rolling in mid-Aug, and because I was told it was a pleasurable experience, we would have a follow-up in a week or two. That’s because in such intimate activities once you try it with someone and if it is good, you’d want more.
However, the reason we didn’t have the same or more (sex) after that is that each time the discussion came up mostly I always said that yes we should do it. But my girlfriend on 3 separate occasions said that no, this time I will not be able to stop myself and we will end up having sex. And that she doesn’t want to have it right now.
It was also said that I didn’t want to go and come out of the room with regret. Therefore, for me to create pressure, insist, put my needs ahead of her was not in question.
Q. She always brought up the topic of whether we should replicate the mid-Aug event, but yet it never happened why?
A. That is because:
- Each time she said that I replied, “Sure, we should do it whenever you are comfortable”. That’s because given how much guard was created around sex it was not my place to be telling when, it’s hers now.
- Also, given the fact that she is not someone who is a virgin who would hesitate in sex or in asking for it and was in fact extremely sexually active in the latest relationship (once per week).
- She has never put a finger on the fact that when she wants it
- She has not even clarified clearly that now she is comfortable
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